Aidan Story – Angel communication

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I was born in 1958 and raised in Dublin and now live in Kildare.

Growing up in the suburbs of Dublin, I was the youngest of seven, a

much-loved, happy child who enjoyed family life and all the usual

rough-and-tumble games I played with family and friends in my garden.

The only difference was, when my friends left and the garden was

quiet, I was visited by Angels and I continue to have this wonderful

connection to this day.  My Angels guide me in my work, my writings,

and in every aspect of my life.

I was never afraid of these beautiful spirits as I was told from a

very young age that my Angels would always look after me and take care

of me especially when I was alone. It wasn’t until much later that I

realized not everyone could see what I could see. Little did I know

then how my happy carefree life would turn into one of misery and

torment and how these beautiful Angels would help me to claw my way

back from a place of pain and abuse that dark place of the soul into

which I was plunged.  Through their powerful Angelic love and healing

I overcame great hardship and sorrow and was able to use my

experiences of abuse to help many others who had experienced the same

in their own lives.

Over the years I have learned to communicate with my Angels and they

have taught me many things and shown me how to look at life and death

in a much simpler way. In the same way the Angels give me guidance for

my clients to help and direct them on their soul journey and bring

love and healing into their lives.

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