What is Mediumship? “Mediumship is a diamond with many facets”

We as humans are made up of three very special elements: the mind, the body and the spirit. The spirit or the soul of a person is the very essence of their being; it’s the omnipresent connection with all life in the universe and beyond. A person’s soul lives in the human body, learning lessons and overcoming challenges, giving love and seeking out other souls in the world who need our help and in turn can help us. When we are ready, we return home into the world of spirit where our loved ones on the other side are waiting for us with open arms and eternal love. Mediumship’s primary purpose is to prove that the spirit world is a very real place with immeasurable potential and constant support that is offered to all those on the earth plane. However, mediumship is so much more than this and it is through the exploration of spiritualism that we seek both answers and limitless understanding about life and our purpose both as humans and souls. As humans and as spirit are individuals; we have our own characteristics and personalities. As such, the way in which we connect with spirit is unique and can vary from medium to medium and spirit to spirit. It is the reason why mediumship has so many facets and can appear in so many miraculous ways from healing, to physical mediumship, trance and the more commonly demonstrated; mental mediumship. Spirit communicates to us and through us in the way that they feel is most comfortable for the individual medium and for the spirit who is attempting the communication. As my mind wanders through the history of spiritualism in the modern world I think about the uniquely talented mediums, Helen Duncan and Estelle Roberts. These ladies were physical mediums and demonstrated the phenomena of full materialisation mediumship, where a substance called ectoplasm would flow from the mouth of the medium (and other orifices) and become a solid form of spirit that would be able to walk round the room and touch individuals in the séance room and pass on accurate messages to those present. I myself have witnessed trance sessions where wonderful, spiritual guides would speak through the medium with wisdom and knowledge of both worlds whilst the medium would sit relaxed, in a semi-conscious state. The purpose of trance mediumship is to help us on the earth plane understand why we are here and to help us create a more peaceful and productive world. Healing and mental mediumship, although more commonly observed are by no means lesser forms of mediumship but are here to touch our everyday lives and prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the spirit world is real. In conclusion, mediumship is connection with home, the place where we came from, the place we will return to and a place of eternal love and peace. Mediumship is there to aid human survival, help us learn and calm us when our faith is tested. Mediumship is a diamond with many facets, a diamond that through our own spirit is within all of us, waiting to be polished so it may shine as brightly as our true self always will. By Beverley-Anne Freeman

Ayurveda 101 Six Ways to Enhance Your Health and Vitality

Six Ways to Enhance Your Health and Vitality Ayurveda, the Eastern Indian system of self-healing, is translated as “the science of daily life.” In other words there is an actual science to the understanding and execution of one’s daily routine that is designed to promote balance and overall wellbeing. Ayurveda, the Eastern Indian The system is based on three doshas – three specific types of energy configurations that comprise all of life in the physical world. Since all of the information in Ayurveda is in Sanskrit, a sacred Indian language, the terms require an English translation. The three doshas are: Vata, which is air and space, Pitta, which is fire and water and Kapha, which is earth and water. Let’s take these one at a time. Vata Although air and space sound like the same thing, they are really very different. Space signifies an emptiness, and air is what fills up the space. Vata governs the nervous system. Without it nothing would move in your body. Vata is the only dosha that moves. It makes your eyes blink, your blood flow, and it is responsible for all those interesting and sometimes humorous (embarrassing) bodily noises. Vata primary people are small boned, prone to dry hair, dry skin and constipation. They are also creative, fast thinkers and talkers, and occasionally a bit spacey. Pitta This dosha is fire and water, but this water is more like digestive juices, blood and bile. Pitta people are lean, athletic, competitive types and perfectionists. They are prone to infections, loose stools and burning disorders like ulcers and heavy bleeding. They are also very smart and quick minded; they like things done their way and organized to their liking. Kapha Kapha primary people are voluptuous like Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie. All the classic beauties are Kapha primary. They have a tendency to put on weight if they do not work out and eat sensibly. Kapha crave sweet and creamy which can be their downfall. They tend towards congestive disorders such as excess fluid in the lungs and body, impacted lymph tissue and oily skin. They are the most compassionate and easy going of the three doshas. They also have the most physical stamina. Every person is made up of a unique combination of all three of these energies. As a matter of fact anything that is living be it animal, vegetable or mineral is made up of these three energies. From an Ayurvedic viewpoint life is defined as these three energies coming together, and death is when these three energies fall apart. It is essential to know what energy is your primary constitutional element, as well as your secondary and tertiary elements. Also important, in order to maintain optimal health and longevity, is to know your proclivity for imbalance. The focus of Ayurveda is about achieving balance. This is accomplished by knowing what opposite energies to apply to your life and when to apply them. For example, Vata people crave dry crunchy things like salads made with cold, rough, raw vegetables. Because the Vata element is cool and dry, people who are Vata primary tend to run on the cold side and have a low digestive fire, making these salads tough to digest. Vata primary people are best served eating warm liquidly things like stews and soups or things with plenty of oil (ghee). Vata primary people are already too cold and dry; they need to apply warm and hydrating energies to balance themselves both physically and emotionally. In Ayurvedic terms, once the body goes out of balance, the emotions and mind are going to be affected as well. Vata people like forms of exercise, such as jumping and running, that will provoke the Vata element. Instead, swimming in warm water or doing slow exercises that build core strength would best serve them. There is a law in Ayurveda called “like unto like.” It means that you will be attracted to energies similar or related to your predominate energy. For a Pitta person that means engaging in competitive or judgmental events. Pitta people like to be better than others. Pitta primary people make great engineers because of their fiery, cut through the problem oriented minds. Pitta people are perfectionists. They hold themselves to a high standard… and everyone else as well. Pitta people usually like alcohol and salty, spicy and hot foods. They want that martini or wine with fish, red meat, carrots, beets, tomatoes and diary products. For balance, what they need are the raw cold salads the Vata people want to eat, with little or no meat/diary products. Their best forms of exercise are slowing down, yoga, using the balance ball, or swimming… minus the competition. Taking a shot glass of aloe vera gel 2-3 times, spread throughout the day, is a Pitta person’s best friend. Kapha folks, oh, how they love their sleep. They enjoy being at rest and letting everything physically engaging take a back seat. Kapha primary people hate exercise and despise diets. Their motto is, “Salads are for rabbits.” They crave ice cream, cookies, cake, potato chips, fried foods and fast foods. They prefer to kick back and watch the Vata and Pitta people run around and get everything done that needs to get done, because life is too short. What a Kapha primary person really needs to stay fit and healthy is to get up before 6am and start the day with some kind of aerobics, getting sweaty and getting the heart pumping. They should eat only citrus fruit or berries for breakfast. They need to keep moving, with not too much sitting, and not too many carbohydrates, like Pitta they are best served avoiding animal products as well. They need to avoid sweets and take those salads away from the Vata people. Oil is the enemy of any Kapha person; they already have too much: excess water weight and oily skin. Ayurveda is not for the faint of heart or for those deeply invested in denial about their shortcomings and self-sabotaging habits. It takes dedication, perseverance and a willingness to change what you are most comfortable with. Knowledge brings power. Ayurveda is all about taking your power back – balancing your energy by knowing what will resolve your present energetic heath issues and offering you a greater path for personal growth and happiness. Vaishali is a’ life management expert’ and the author of Wisdom Rising and You Are What You Love. She is a columnist for the Huffington Post www.huffingtonpost/vaishali and an international health & wellness speaker who has appeared on The Dr. Oz Radio Show and Oprah.com. Vaishali learned to transform her life from the threat of two terminal disease diagnoses, domestic abuse and financial devastation. Completely recovered, she shares her wisdom @ www.purplev.com/mediakit July 21st, 2012 10-4pm: Create Your Health Holistically Though Chi Nei Tsang & Ayurveda aboard the Queen Mary in Los Angeles.

Contemplating The Navel By Vaishali, author o

It all started when I was in my mid twenties, with a small pain in the abdomen, that became most acute when I would bend over. Little did I know how this little pain would force me to make big changes in my life. I did what most people would do when seeking to address something health related: I made an appointment with my doctor. After extensive testing, everything we tried was inconclusive. Over the course of a year, the pain spread down the right leg and across the lower back. I pretty much just dragged my right leg around. My abdomen slowly swelled until there was a constant state of discomforting distention. My skin turned a pasty shade of gray with tiny bumps, the greatest concentration being on my back. Looking back on it now, I can understand that my skin looked this way because it was the only organ still detoxifying my entire body. Due to my declining condition, my doctor suggested we try exploratory surgery. My doctor and I discussed best and worst possible scenarios; the worst case would be that they might have to start removing organs. I clearly remember the moment I regained consciousness in the recovery room. My doctor would not make eye contact with me, and I was thinking, “This can’t be good.” He said, “I have some good news and some bad news. I’ll start with the good news. We did not take anything out; you still have all your organs. The bad news is that every organ from your stomach to your colon is in crisis.” Your liver and small intestine are the worst. I could flip this quarter to determine which organ will shut down first, but most likely you are going to die from either the liver or small intestine shutting down, and I do not know why.” Looking back on it now, I can see that this specialist, unintentionally, did me the biggest favor of my life. I heard about a rare Chinese form of internal organ massage called Chi Nei Tsang, and decided to try it. Fortunately for me, I stumbled into the office of Gilles Marin, the foremost master in this technique. He worked on me for about ten minutes and then said, “Okay, I am going to tell you what is wrong with you. I’m warning you now it is going to be extremely hard for you to hear, because you have been diagnosed as terminal and been through so much pain for so long. The problem with you is that you are not breathing correctly.” My first thought was, “If it was my breathing, I would have been dead long before now.” Gilles explained that breathing is how we digest our emotions, thoughts and experiences, as well as supply oxygen to the body. “You have absorbed as much fear as a person can, and still be alive, but just barely alive.” Gilles further explained, “The diaphragm in the body is designed to move downwards on the inhale. Yours is moving in exactly the opposite direction. Instead of going down, it is coming up. It is pulled up so high in the front of your body it is pinching off your liver meridian, cutting off your liver from desperately needed Chi, life force, energy. Your liver is hanging on by a thread now because the flow of energy has been choked off for so long. The result is the liver and the liver meridian are swollen and in crisis. The liver meridian comes closest to the surface of the skin where the most nerve endings are, and then dives back down here, here and here (those three spots). So that is where you would be experiencing the most pain. When you learn how to breathe correctly and bring the diaphragm back down, the flow of energy will be restored to your liver, and it will come right back, because there is nothing wrong with your liver. Your doctors were right about one thing, you will die if you do not change how you breathe. But you do not have to die, you can reverse this.” In ten minutes this guy explained my pain, how I got it, and what I needed to do to recover fully from it. Chi Nei Tsang is designed to be self-administered, so I spent the next several years studying with Gilles. The first year of the recovery process was extremely intense. In addition to retraining the respiration and the actual physical manipulation of the internal organs, an emotional exorcism occurs. The massage is about purging the body of negative emotions and bringing consciousness back to the core of the body. The day of the appointment I would feel great. I could tell I was improving dramatically. Then the next day, I would be an emotional basket case. The fear would just start pouring out of me. During that first year I also experienced profound changes in the myofacial tissue that surrounds the internal organs. The tissue, responding to years of fear stimuli, had grown very tight and had a death grip around the organs. The combination of the breathing exercises and the emotional releases from organ manipulation caused the tissue to rip loose from the inside out, finally permitting the organs to relax. The sensation of the tissue tearing loose inside the body was a bizarre combination of blinding pain followed by the sweet bliss of relief and healing. My prayer for you would be that you are never faced with overcoming two terminal diagnoses in your lifetime. And if that does find you or a loved one, know you are powerful beyond measure, and there is a wealth of life saving complementary and alternative health wisdom out there for you to discover. Vaishali is the author of Wisdom Rising and You Are What You Love. She is a and an international health & wellness speaker who has appeared on The Dr. Oz Radio Show and Oprah.com. Vaishali learned to transform her life from the threat of two terminal disease diagnoses, domestic abuse and financial devastation. Completely recovered, she shares her wisdom @ www.purplev.com/mediakitJoin Vaishali in St. Louis May 4th and 5th, 2013 at ”A Gathering Place-Massage Therapy School” for a one or two day workshop.

Contemporary Therapy

If you are doing a traditional medical treatment and it is not helping you from your symptoms, you may want to try and contemporary form of treatment in its place. These contemporary therapy practices are greatly studied and many people are having miracles happening to them. However with the alternative medical world there are different choices for treatment. Choosing a medical treatment plan can be hard


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Energy Medicine Can Empower You to Live a Better Life

If you’re tired of the life you’ve been living and you’re looking for something to make a difference in your life, you might want to give energy medicine a try. Recognized as a viable alternative medicine, this isn’t a way of doing away with traditional medical treatments, but rather a way of working in tandem with them in order to give your body a level of healing you may never have experienced.

Light Therapy

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Massage for Health

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NASA Has Long Known That Vibrational Therapy Has Big Health Benefits

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