Written by Aron O'Dowd on 24 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
Dr. Basia Durnas
Master Healer * Gnostic Mystic
Born aware that Consciousness is Multi-Dimensional, Reverend Dr. Basia is an intuitive visionary, an empath and a natural healer. Her spiritual training began at the age of 3 when Ascended Masters came to instruct her in the balanced use of The Divine Forces of Love, Wisdom & Power.
Dr.Basia is a Master Healer of Chinese Medical Qi-Gong, Religious Science Minister, Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Trainer, Reiki Master, a life-long student of Gnostic Esoteric Work including The Kabbalah, Eastern & Western Philosophy of Sexual Alchemy and Sacred Sexuality.
As a member of the 11th Dimensions Governing Council of Light, embodied on planet Earth to anchor The Vibrational Ascension Bridge, she teaches techniques to raise the vibrational frequency of the human body, allowing it to hold more light and ignite the individualized process of Ascension into The Light Of The Divine.
An Internationally acclaimed speaker, published author, radio and TV talk show host, she lectures, teaches workshops and leads sacred ceremonies, New & Full Moon, Solstice and Equinox. Dr. Basia creates one-of-a-kind private celebrations of marriage, house blessings and clearings, baby blessings, memorials and energy releases for our loved ones who have made their transition though the veil of life into the light.
From a small village in Poland, a child of self-sufficient farmers, she grew up with deep respect for earth, communing with the land and nature. Show now lives in the Greater Los Angeles area where she practices Energetic Medicine specializing in healing physical and emotional trauma, mental anguish/anxiety and Soul Retrieval.
Learn more about Dr. Basia DrBasia.org
To contact call 888-408-6001 e-mail at revbasia@earthlink.net
In Divine Service
IAM Dr. Basia Durnas
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 24 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
Dr. Basia Durnas
Dr. Basia Durnas OM MMQ
Master Healer * Gnostic Mystic
Born aware that Consciousness is Multi-Dimensional, Reverend Dr. Basia is an intuitive visionary, an empath and a natural healer. Her spiritual training began at the age of 3 when Ascended Masters came to instruct her in the balanced use of The Divine Forces of Love, Wisdom & Power.
Dr.Basia is a Master Healer of Chinese Medical Qi-Gong, Religious Science Minister, Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Trainer, Reiki Master, a life-long student of Gnostic Esoteric Work including The Kabbalah, Eastern & Western Philosophy of Sexual Alchemy and Sacred Sexuality.
As a member of the 11th Dimensions Governing Council of Light, embodied on planet Earth to anchor The Vibrational Ascension Bridge, she teaches techniques to raise the vibrational frequency of the human body, allowing it to hold more light and ignite the individualized process of Ascension into The Light Of The Divine.
An Internationally acclaimed speaker, published author, radio and TV talk show host, she lectures, teaches workshops and leads sacred ceremonies, New & Full Moon, Solstice and Equinox. Dr. Basia creates one-of-a-kind private celebrations of marriage, house blessings and clearings, baby blessings, memorials and energy releases for our loved ones who have made their transition though the veil of life into the light.
From a small village in Poland, a child of self-sufficient farmers, she grew up with deep respect for earth, communing with the land and nature. Show now lives in the Greater Los Angeles area where she practices Energetic Medicine specializing in healing physical and emotional trauma, mental anguish/anxiety and Soul Retrieval.
Learn more about Dr. Basia DrBasia.org
To contact call 888-408-6001 e-mail at revbasia@earthlink.net
In Divine Service
IAM Dr. Basia Durnas
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 22 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
Patty Greer
Patty Greer ~ Award Winning Crop Circle Film Maker Offers New Data in 2015
Crop Circles have mystified people for centuries as one of the greatest wonders of the world. Do they come from ETs or from within the earth? Patty Greer suggests new answers. Scientists and metaphysicians now agree that this phenomenon is a physical manifestation of co- communication between Earth, ET and Human Consciousness. Bent, blown and bubbled nodes are evidence that bio-physical changes happened to the effected plants. High heat had to run through the stalks to cause the extremely odd browning, burning and busting to bend in rhythm with the other plants. Another stunning anomaly found in Crop Circles is the presence of iron ore molded into the fibers of the leaves. This would require a temperature of about 1,200 C to be floating around in the air in the middle of a field at night. So where are they coming from and how does this happen? Finally we have new answers to ponder.
Award winning film maker Patty Greer has visited more than 100 UK Crop Circles personally. Enthralled with the phenomenon since 2006, she returned in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2014 with cameras. Greer had an out- of-body-experience in the center of a 2007 UK Crop Circle, then produced 6 full feature UFO films in record time. With no training in film making or research on the subject whatsoever, this was a life altering “Contact” experience that set her life on an entirely new journey.
Visiting these highly charged electro-magnetic formations at night Greer filmed ‘Balls of Light’ in the night sky. Studying the famous 1996 Oliver’s Castle Crop Circle footage where two Balls of Light lay a Crop Circle down in seconds, Greer found a direct band of coded information between the two Balls of Light just before they laid the Crop Circle down! Her work is completely intuitive and her movies are filmed live in the fields. With no make up, script, or storyboard you are taken deep into the epicenter of this phenomenon in Wiltshire, England to experience these magnificent formations with real Croppies!
Patty Greer spent time with a scientific research team this summer to discuss their research on Crop Circles, and a new explanation for their origins emerged. THIS is a much bigger story than we thought previously! Patty Greer has answered many of the world’s top Crop Circle questions with visible evidence in her movies. (www.PattyGreer.com) So why has the media strayed away for decades and hired posers/actors with boards and ropes to take credit for these other-worldly communications? And why have film distributors gone to such lengths to hide important movies like these from the public for years?
Might the coded messages in braille and binary be offering important keys of wisdom to direct the course of our evolution? Sacred geometries and pictograms have exposed historic events and warnings – but few people were looking or listening. Dozens of Crop Circles expose diagrams and schematics for propulsion and free energy technologies when they spin. Some Crop Circles point directly to sacred sites, while others boast ancient languages that haven’t been seen for centuries. So what are they telling us and why is nobody listening? They are intricate, intentional and illuminating!
We are living in a time of historic evolution, yet much is being kept from the public. With UFO dis-information rampant across the world, it’s almost impossible to know who to trust. So trust nature and the earth and learn to read the signs being left in plain sight as Crop Circle messages. We’ve seen them for centuries as physical manifestations of ‘Other Dimensional’ communications.
It’s 2015 and they’re still delivering the messages. Maybe it’s time we listen!
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 5 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
Dana Dvorak
Dana was born and raised on small farm in Czech republic ( former communist Czechoslovakia). Even as a child Dana was highly intuitive, able to hear and see things which the others could not and communicating with animals came naturally to her.
Since during communism anything associated with spirituality or religion was forbidden, Dana was not allowed to explore these gifts.
Instead she embarked on successful career as a international fashion model, working for all the major designers and traveling all over the world, including US, where she finally settled in Los Angeles.
Here she revisited her animal connection again when her beloved cat was repeatedly sick and no amount of veterinary care and medication would help. In desperation Dana connected to her cat and using stream of healing energy she healed her cat in one session.
Since then on, Dana, always a passionate animal lover, dedicated her ability to help animals, big and small. She will communicate with your pet and help you to better understand his needs and concerns, solve behavioral problems and help with physical ailments.
Majority of the sessions are done without the animal being present, which allows her to help animals all over the country even worldwide. She can also connect with pets who passed over and is known to successfully deliver messages from your beloved pets to their owners and vice versa. She guided numerous pets in crossing over when it was their time, being successfully able to help both, the pet and their human parents in such a difficult time. Dana resides in Los Angeles with two cats and a fish and is a active supporter of number of animal rights organizations.
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 4 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
Dr. Romina Ghassemi
Think Healthy Inc.
1534 W. 25th Street, San Pedro, Ca 90732
1-866-866 BACK (2225)
Established Since 2010
Think Healthy Inc., was founded by Dr. Romina Ghassemi DC graduate of April 1995, from University of Applied Health & Sciences, Whittier Ca, USA.
She found the common underlying cause of her patient’s complaints of Neck, Upper, Mid and Lower Back Pain, was ‘ POSITION & POSTURE’.
The billion dollar pain industry of RST, (Repetitive Stress Syndrome) was exposed!
She set out on a mission to help people have a healthier spine. Using her knowledge of Spinal Bio-Mechanics, [function & form] and the love for her patients and profession. She set out on a mother bear journey to help reduce the damaging effects of ADL induced Degeneration (Activity of Daily Living induced Degeneration) and help people not suffer needlessly. The company was initiated on an invention of a backpack [GotUrBack], an ergonomic back pack designed to reduce loading on the adolescent Thoracic and Lumbar spine with the concept of using load as lever to align spine with gravity, in pursuit of better posture.
There are 3 distinct components of poor posture
1- Thoracic Hyper Kyphosis => Slouching
2- Shoulder Internal Rotation => Rounded Shoulders
3- Cervical A lordosis/Kyphosis=> Forward Head Carriage.
During the R&D phase an off spring of an affordable Support for Thoracic and Shoulders was invented. [BAX-U POSTURE SUPPORT BRACE]. Welcomed generously by the patients and market for its 4 main features:
1- Effectiveness & Immediate Change
2-Comfort & Ease of use
3- Affordability & Fashionably Discreet.
4-Approved by Medicare, Major Insurance companies & FSA plans.
BAX-U Posture Support was a huge success, but the neck stillness support as most people who use computers are subject to FHS ( Forwards Head Syndrome) being the most common cause of upper back and neck pain even headaches. The immediate reaction of Dr. Ghassemi was to jump in and help. She introduced [ERGONOMIC NECK SUPPORT]. To be available by march 2015. Followed by [ POSTURE GLASSES] to retrain the supporting extensor neck muscles for better posture and leveling the vision with horizon. Immediately after it was realized there are a group of patients who are in acute pain due to chronic Upper Back Muscle Weakness and Pain. Dr. Ghassemi was passionate about helping patient when she invented and created [BAX-U TENS Support]. Designed to help reduce upper back pain and trigger points while unloading the spine, which arrives in the market in September 2015. The initiation of her journey was the goturback backpack which is currently in R&D development stages, Due to be released June of 2016.
The benefit of better posture goes beyond vanity and pain, the winning benefit is to allow the nervous system express and communicate it self thru the clear path of Spinal Column.
Dr. Ghassemi Founder of ThinkHealthy Inc., stated, “ I want to help support the posture of our existing and growing population for better health. We all know Healthy People are Happier People.”
“ We aim to provide easy and functional Posture Support products for Healthier, Happier Life.”
2010-GotUrBack backpack
2012-Bax-u Posture Support brace
2014-Posture Glasses
2014-Ergonomic Neck Support
2015-Bax-u Pain & Posture (BAX-U TENS Support)
MAY 2016-GotUrBack backpack
APRIL 2013-Bax-u Posture Support brace
MARCH 2015-Posture Glasses
MARCH 2015-Ergonomic Neck Support
AUGUST 2015-Bax-u Pain & Posture (baX-u R8)
“An average 8-18 year old sends over 7.5 hours per day on some sort of social media using smart device.”
Growing with the technology use at home and at work, rapidly affecting the youth, who will be our future work force.
Feel Good, Look Better.
Think Healthy Inc Team.
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 4 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
James Moses
From an early age, exotic technologies researcher and vocal advocate for same, James Moses has indulged an insatiable curiosity in the natural sciences as a much more expansive understanding emerged since. His studies in entanglement and distributional physics such as those of inventor Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell and Marko Rodin, are ongoing – more can be learned about them on a dedicated Facebook page, The Human Internet Radio Project.
As a consultant to PurplePlates.com, he’s spoken to many people with very compelling testimonials as to, himself enjoys, their impressive effects and benefits. In addition to taking great pleasure from these endeavors, he continues work on a personal-use 10,000 song-plus sequential popular music anthology spanning 50 years.
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 5 December 2014.
Posted in Podcasting.
Abby Wynne
Abby Wynne is a shamanic psychotherapist, an energy healer, a teacher and a published author. She has a Masters degree in science and worked for 10 years in adult education before moving into full-time healing work.
Abby has written 2 books “Energy Healing for Everyone” and “Spiritual Tips for Enlightenment”, both available via her website. She also has a 2 CD set “Heart Centred Meditations” available on Amazon, or in digital format from her website. She teaches workshops through Spirit One Seminars, who also host speakers like Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper and Gregg Braden.
Abby’s facebook page has over 50,000 followers, and she has 7,000+ followers on Twitter. Abby is passionate about her work and about the process of self-actualisation.
You can find Abby here:
Website: www.abby-wynne.com
Blog: http://www.abby-wynne.com/abbyblog/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AbbyEnergyHealing
Twitter: @abbynrghealing
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/abbynrghealing/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/abby-wynne
#02 Nancy Mcmoneagle – Teaching out of Body at the Monroe Institute
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 25 November 2014.
Posted in Podcasting.
Nancy Mcmoneagle
Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 – 1991.
Nancy also served two terms as President of Nelson County’s Chamber of Commerce where she worked to enhance economic development and regional cooperation in her own and neighboring Virginia counties. As a result of her efforts, Nancy received the Community Builder’s Award from the Masons of the 21st Masonic District.
In addition to her international astrological practice, Nancy has been a freelance writer for Ivanhoe Broadcast News out of Winterhaven, Florida, and has written a number of articles for the Sydney Omarr Astrological Annual Guidebooks.
Nancy’s main focus and intent is to help individuals achieve a greater overview of their lives and to inspire within them a sense of enthusiasm about who they are and what they have to offer. Now, as the Executive Director and President of TMI, she will continue both personally and professionally to focus on exploring, understanding, and expanding greater levels of personal development, that, in turn, can lead each of us toward a growing awareness, realization, and utilization of our untapped talents and skills.
#01 Michael Peter Langevin – The Ancient Incas and the Amazon Shamans
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 18 November 2014.
Posted in Podcasting.
Michael Peter Langavin
Michael is a freelance writer, a researcher, an adventurer, lecturer, public relations consultant, a personal trainer. He has traveled and studied with shamans, elders, and spiritual teachers all over the world. Michael was the Founder and Publisher of Magical Blend Magazine, Natural Health and Beauty Magazine and Transitions Magazine 1970-2006. Michael has studied with the most powerful and cutting-edge, spiritual leaders of our times. He was the host of the “Magical Blend” TV show and has been interviewed on countless radio programs. His writings have appeared in many anthologies and publications, and he has authored three books, Spiritual Business, (Hampton Roads), Secrets of the Ancient Incas, and Secrets of the Amazon Shamans. (Career Press) Michael has his Masters Degree in Social Work/ Psychological Therapy.
For all his adult life Michael Peter has been exploring methods of self improvement, expanded states of consciousness and ancient mysteries. He first visited Peru in 1973 at age 20. He has returned to Latin America many times to deepen his shaman studies and widen his knowledge of ancient pre-Columbian cultures. Michael Peter has traveled to and spent time studying many exotic locals all over the world. Michael Peter has been conducting workshops and lectures worldwide for large groups since 1985. Now he is thrilled to be working for The Monroe Institute.
To contact Michael, email:michaelpeterlangevin@gmail.com or facebook: Michael Peter Langevin