Written by Aron O'Dowd on 1 March 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
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Douglas De Long
Douglas De Long is a medical intuitive, spiritual teacher, counselor and past life therapist. He has written three books, distributed internationally, on the subjects of ancient healing, spirituality, reincarnation and psychic development. Ancient Teachings for Beginners and Ancient Healing Techniques are published by Llewellyn Worldwide, www.llewellyn.com His third book, Past Lives for Beginners was released in June of 2013.
He and his wife Carol De Long operate the De Long Ancient Mystery School where they teach courses in spiritual and psychic development, ancient healing techniques, past life therapy training, and Reiki. They also deliver a menu of personal services and travel throughout North America and Hawaii teaching these courses. The De Long Ancient Mystery School has received students from all over the world.
Ancient Teachings for Beginners, De Long’s first book, has gone into its 8th printing and is now considered a classic in its respective genres, such as reincarnation, auras and chakras. De Long has also written for Fate Magazine, The Llewellyn Journal, WHOLife Journal, and many other magazines.
The website is www.douglasdelong.com or email mysteryschool@sasktel.net