Written by Aron O'Dowd on 10 March 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
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Beverly Anne Freeman
Some people know from the day they are born that this is to be their life work, other people discover it on their journey or as part of an aftermath of events (usually tragic and life changing events). Just because you start to see spirit at an early age it doesn’t make you any more accurate or powerful than someone who discovers they can see or hear spirit at the age of 40. Everyone’s journey is unique and these abilities are all completely natural, in fact it is my belief that all humans will one day have this ability to communicate with spirit as the earth continues to evolve.
I have known from as young as 11 that this would be part of my life work but it took me a lot of learning to understand the gifts I had and how to use them for the higher good. My story goes like this…..
Sitting in my Nana Curly’s front room at the age of three or four in Breightmet, Bolton she brought in a pot of tea. The tea pot was an old stainless steel pot with a hand knitted, orange tea cosy on the top and was filled with loose tea and boiling water. Nan filled my plastic baby cup with hot, sweet, liquid and rested it on the table telling me to be very careful as it was hot, then she poured herself one. I didn’t like nursery so I had to stay at home with my Nana Curly in the afternoons until it was time for me to start school at five, whilst my Mum was working. I never knew her real name, everyone in the family just called her Curly and to me she was Nana Curly. When she finished her cup she would turn it upside down on to her saucer, spin it round 3 times and then I would sit and listen absolutely mesmerised while she read the tea leaves. I loved watching as she pointed out the symbols in the cup and told me their meanings, speckles means money is coming, a snake means difficult times ahead and so on. I guess I knew it then as fortune telling and today I am still partial to reading a tea cup! My curiosity with ‘fortune telling’ continued and by the age of seven I had five books on tarot card reading, palmistry, astrology, colour work and dreamology. I was blessed to be born into a family that visited the local spiritualist church and to know the afterlife existed, as a child I thought it was perfectly normal to see and hear spirit and get psychic visions. I never felt wired or different and was not shy of talking about it in the school playground to anyone who was willing to listen. I guess I embraced my gifts.
I was thirteen when I saw an advert in a local newspaper which said ‘Spiritualist Meeting, Queen Street, Farnworth 7 -9pm every Tuesday, Mediumship and Healing’. So with my 24p return bus fare in my pocket, off I went. Being a confident little soul I sat at the very front on my own, excited about what I was about to see and hear. That evening’s medium was Mrs Alexander, quite elderly then and walking with a frame but she was bright and alert….again I was mesmerised. She came to me second that night with a message, she told me I had a little grey rabbit sat on my knee. I said “yes that’s Bunty my rabbit who died”, next there was a black & white collie dog who went senile called Tim, I confirmed that to be my uncle’s dog. Next she told me there was a lady there called Kathleen and she was playing snakes and ladders. I said I didn’t know anyone called Kathleen, then she said “she just said to tell you its Curly”, my Nan! She went on for some time giving me names and messages from loved ones in the family. At the end she told me, “You will be stood here doing exactly what I am, it’s your life work and you will help many people”. The information spun round my head but I was excited and I now know that there are no coincidences; I was 100% meant to go to that spiritualist meeting that night and receive that message. It has remained firm in my mind whenever I have doubted myself.
A few weeks later Mum took me to Camelot in Chorley and it was there I bought my first pack of tarot cards. I started doing readings with them immediately but I was also seeing visions and feeling sensations that related to the pictures on the cards. I began to sense spirit too but at that age I was a bit young to really understand everything, plus life experience helps when you are doing readings; interpreting the messages and having the communication skills also. Although I have a lot of happy childhood memories, my childhood was also surrounded by tragedy and so I grew up pretty quickly. My teens and twenty’s also had their fair share of heart break but for details you will have to wait for the book! It all helped to develop compassion and empathy; something you need lots of when doing readings for the general public.
I have undertaken many full time jobs including retail management, modelling and recruitment but alongside this work I have always worked part time doing readings and studied my craft. I never stop learning and feel it is important to study all aspects of mind, body & spirit subjects and others’ work as well as meditate daily. I have been working in this field for 25 years and am a member of The Association of Spiritual Workers.
In 2005 my journey took me to Spain where I opened a mind, body & spirit shop, founded The Sotogrande Spiritualist Church Meetings and ran workshops, psychic development classes and seminars along the Costa del Sol with much success and joy. This was documented in the well known UK paper, Psychic News. I also worked as a full time psychic & medium and spiritual life coach. My return to England in 2011 was another step on my path as a light worker and it was at this time I completed an EDI Diploma in Life Coaching. I have also trained in mediumship at the wonderful Arthur Findlay College and am a member of the SNU.
I now work from Sale in Cheshire but close to Manchester doing readings, life coaching, teaching meditation and psychic development. I also work with businesses coaching & teaching meditation in addition to running workshops at Manchester Universities and visit people’s homes running workshops and holding psychic reading parties. I actively support charities through working at charity events across the UK & Spain by doing readings and donating the money to these charities.
It was always my vision to open a Psychic Development & Healing Centre where people can learn & heal through spirituality at a very affordable price. The centre opened its doors at 181 Cross Street on 11th August 2014 and my aim is to help a great many people. In the meantime Mrs Alexander’s prediction has come true and she often comes to help my from spirit world during my aim is to help a great many people. In the meantime Mrs Alexander’s prediction has come true and she often comes to help my from spirit world during my readings.