Written by Aron O'Dowd on 19 August 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
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Sofia Axelsson
I call myself a magicworker, most often a witch. The words are not important in themselves, they are only a matter of definition. I just want to be honest about the fact that I truly believe in magic. For me that means I believe that there are so much more to the world than meet the eye.
I think I always saw the world from a certain perspective, but for the first part of my life I did not have the language to explain how. Wichcraft and magic became a language that worked. In reality I also always was inspired by different shamanic traditions. Out of respect of the “real shamans” around the world I usually say I work with shamanic techniques. The last ten years I have worked intensely with the Old Norse tradition. Not because it is in any way better than any other magic och spiritual traditions, but because I kinda stumbled over the Old Norse gods, the runes and the like. Most of all I became familiar with Sejd, a Old Norse magic practice that is very strong and among other things allow you to let different powers speak through you: nature spirits, gods and norns for the most part. This practice connects you to the powers and to the weave in a way that I had not experienced before.
When I talk of the weave I mean the threads that make up the entire of existence and that we are all parts of. In fact it is more true to my way of seeing the world (worlds) to talk about weaves in plural. I believe there is a true and healthy weave that we can interact with and benefit from, and that there are unhealthy weaves that try to hold us down. To “untangle” myself from the dark weaves is for me one of the BIG magic works. Commercialism, fears, different kind of controls are trying to make us all into obedient consumer machines. Magic work for me then is to strive towards freedom. Freedom from others (if we do not chose it) influence, freedom from old fears, freedom to explore the worlds as far as we are ready to go
Two years ago I published my first book, which is about a magic, rather feministic way to get to know the nordic goddesses. Right now my publicher is finishing editing my second book that is about the nordic runes. Both books focus on an approchable way to meet Old norse magic. I often write about “EveryDay magic”. They are both in swedish I’m afraid, but eventually I will see if it would be possible to translate the rune book and get it published in the states.
I have never lost my interest in spiritual traditions around the world however. Me and Michael traveled in Mexico for half a year some time ago, and spirituality is so alive there. We met when we where both on a magic quest in Peru. Right now I mostly talk to the Green ones around our cabin. Me and Michael live at the very end of a dirt road in the Appalachian mountains. Nature is everywhere, and there are loads of Spirits around here. Life force is strong. I write short stories about ghosts and spirits, and find new ways to communicate with the spiritworld.
Later this summer I’m going home to Sweden to hold some courses on witchcraft. It’s going to be great fun, but I think I will have to read up on what I myself have written 😉