I sit and watch watch the world go by and wonder who we are….

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I am a cloud of beauty watching all of above with my lenses that are tinted with abundance. I may have my faults, success and craziness. All a chemical change in a instance. I watch the world go by and pounder who are they. Are they images just passing by with a body full of fluid wrapped in bone passing through the street. I sometimes think why are we shipped with the same package but have the a code that is complete different. The code is what makes us all unique. Different is fantastic if we where all robots life could be dull and boring. With the advancements of technology that might just be possible. While sitting on the park bench watching the world moment by moment breath by breath. Wonder am I creating all this with one single breath.Am I the creator the god of the mighty universe. If I was god what could I do with the power of the unease in my hands. That is what the movie Bruce Almight try and makes us think what we could do if we where god. Are we god or images of it and maybe robots that where designed by the advancements of humanity. The human needs air, food, water and enjoyment. We are also animals that create person to person pleasure.Our reproductive system needs to beappricated. The human also has a brain that receives messages from each system in the body. What if we actually had the ability to control our breathing and other automatic systems that the brain controls. Where I could program my entire body. I don’t know if that is possible but if it was would be awesome. Where I can control everything about myself internally and externally. So who is this god that I read in the spiritual scriptures around the world. He seems to have all sorts of names and be a male. What is it always a male figure what about a female figure or energy. We associate a name with a idea, concept and idolitally. So if I am god could I have the power to make it rain, read peoples thoughts and transport myself to half way across the world and even stand on the tallest point of Mount Everst. Really what could I do if I had the power to do anything to help humanity or destry it with one click of my fngers. While sitting on the park bench I think about why are we quite emotional and love humans, animals another object. If love is in my code of me and the couple billion people farting around on the this planet we call earth. Why can’t we live in other planets and why pick earth. Love is a very romantic and a feely thing that I can only internally decide but what if everything I touch or think about is preconditioned. Could I be experiencing a dream and how can I wake up from this 3d game that I am watching but yet the main actor of this game/movie. What are the tools of awakening from the dram state to really living my true love. Could love be a dream state sense that I could experience. Does anybody put worlds to love or something they love. I think s a very intelligent race we can’t describe what love or certain emotions. Yet the emotions are a release of chemicals in the body or a act of our metal state in that split second. If the brain is receiving thousand message throughout the day. Than could some of the message be false or real. Do I know what the message are or aren’t. I have already decided without me completing it. If the code of us individually is energy and vibration mixed in with some icky, sticky compacted with bone and tissues as bubble pack. Could we be the only people out int eh space of infinity that we call space. A guru that I must learn as answers about us or is he/she just connecting to a piece of code that actually is able to crazy things and have the answer for every answer. So the code could be a god like persons. Why do thye whew ear these dresses, colours and be very religious. If they stole in the language of the modern people would we still understand the . I don’t think so because we are so asleep that the awakened one is like guiding a flock of sheep. Isn’t that why Jesus Crist was a sheep herder where he was learning how to guide the bid to see again. He performed miracles that we read in the the text of the holy bible. Are they true I don’t know if they are than I would love to know that is his magic trick to make these miracles. The answer is tapping into the code of the spirit. That is where the special magic happens. We are all magicians that can do magical things. Inspire people, create innovation and change one persons life can be a miracle because they are taking the time to appreciate the magic that you have done for that person. As the the world of technology try to crate robots they should look at us and understand or try to take the time to figure out why we work and how. Or take the time to relise that we are the concepts that we are trying to attempt. I fel that we can’t do this because later in the future we be robots. As the humans of the world we use power to control everything and everybody. It is the a thing we call ego. Ego is a weapon for mass destruction . From the day man waked on earth their was wars and still continue today but the machines of war have improved and can spot a person rom thousands of miles up in the sky and just with a button kill, explode or create cafastric on the landscape of mother nature as well to the people in that location. How can we change the perspective of the world today. We are all running and racing to make money instead of figuring out the problems of the human race, our planet and th way society his the ame through the time of history. Can our spiritual leaders helps us. I don;t have an answer to that question. Action speaks more than words and from what I see that no they say words but I don’t see action. Could their be a hidden force controlling them to prevent the change to harvest the beauty of this blue happy palent. Confusion is part of being asleep in our conciseness and being aware of stupid items like money, cars, houses and other objects like the examples I have meationed. We have the ability of speaking and telling stories that we become strangled by the worlds wrapped together word by word. To a point where we are solvating on each word waiting for the next piece of the puzzle to figure out the context of the story and either if they are funny or serious. I wonder if an allien came down and examined us from a micro and macro level what would they discover about us. What would they say back to their family and friends.


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